Our Reason

James 1:27 (ESV)

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

The harsh reality is that there are children all over the world are in need, and unfortunately SW Florida is no exception. The number in our area alone is in the THOUSANDS, so we decided that was enough reason to do what we can to help. Below are some of the alarming statistics that we are currently facing.

  • Only one state surpasses Florida in terms of foster care population, placing it 2nd nationwide.

  • Teens age 12-17 are harder to place in foster homes, making youth group homes vital for their care and support.

  • 25% will attempt suicide.

  • 40% will be homeless within 18 months.

  • 71% will be pregnant by their 21st birthday, with half of their children destined to be placed in the foster care system.

  • 81% will enter the justice system.

  • 90% of these children will experience severe trauma.

  • 97% will enter into chronic poverty.